Monday, November 7, 2011

Soccer days are over for the Fall

We finished up our last weekend of soccer for the four older kids. Whew! That was a lot of work and a lot of fun. The kids loved it! Having Stephen coach Luke's team made it extra special. All the little kids loved to have him for a coach. The most fun and craziest coach you could ever pick. All the kids did good and I think that we may have some super star soccer players in the near future. Gabrielle's comment when I asked her if she wanted to play next season was.... I am more of a jazz girl, or maybe dance! It was a little hard to get all the kids to their games on time when they all played Saturday morning. Especially with one car. Our mini van is in the shop getting fixed from parking in our STEEP driveway and opening the side, sliding door and having the door rip right off. Soccer was a lot of fun for everyone though.

Mother, daughter outing

Lynee and I were able to go on one of our first mother daughter dates. Since she has been taking violin up at the University through the string program, we decided that we would go to the New River Valley Symphony together. It was a very special experience. We met the Anderson girls there and went for a little treat afterwards! This all took place on Saturday, November 5th.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Remember October!

The kids had a great time this week even with the grandparents having to leave. We had to get back on routine and each of us had to find our place in this family again. We did have thursday off and no school which was a lot of fun for everyone. I took the kids up to an old historic bridge that looked really cool. We went with Mellissa Anderson and her 5 kids! We had such a hoot that when it was time to leave we couldn't get anyone to get in the vans. They had a ball playing in the river and catching crawl dads! I have to say that that Laynne is one tough cookie and isn't scared of anything.
The kids also had their first swimming meet this week. They all did so well! I was extremely proud of them! Luke, Gabrielle, Jesse and Laynee all had soccer games this weekend, and again.... I do love to watch them although I'm not sure I want to be a soccer mom forever.
This week was scary dropping Laynee off on campus with some guy with a gun right there. After I dropped Laynee off, the cops said not to let the kids off for Violin at the Squires building because the situation wasn't handled yet! Thank goodness for a Heavenly Father to protect my little girl. She was alright and no harm came to our family. She is doing well with her music. Gabrielle is so jealous and wants to do it too she says! We also had a lot of fun with our base ball game we started down at Nellies Cave park. The weather has been in the 80's and feels oh so good. Every day this last week was so wonderful with the warmth of the sunshine! The kids and I took advantage of the Huckleberry Trail and rode our bikes to the west end of it. Little Kamryn is doing so good on her bike.

Pumpkin Carving!

We got to all pick our own pumpkin out and carve them together. Thanks to my mom we ended up with a whole pile of jack o lanterns. And very cute one too! The kids had a blast carving them and making them the way they wanted to. Even little Lyla got to do her very own with her favorite (markers) She manages to find markers in the best hiding spots and it doesn't matter if she has paper to color with.... walls suit her just fine! If the walls get a little old she's discovered tattoeing herself. The night was full of fun and the Halloween spirit has officially arrived in the Welling home!

Starting the Fall of Right!

What a bunch of things I have to be grateful for. I loved this last week of having my mom and dad fly over here to see us in Blacksburg, VA. We had such an incredible week We went to the Cascades and saw my favorite waterfall of course. After the first 24 hours of them being here I could tell they were just plumb worn out. All of our legs hurt trying to book it in there and out so we could still make the kids Violin Lessons, and soccer practices for Jesse and Laynee. Valuable lesson learned.... "you don't have to do it all" it's actually more enjoyable when you don't have to race off to something else. Our life seems to be that way lately. I think it has to do with having 6 kids!
I also had to show them the Claytor Lake Beach that the kids get a kick out of. It was so much fun to relax and kick off our shoes and feel the sand between our toes for a while. I won't mention the long detour we had to take because dad's so called GPS wasn't working right. Lets just say that we're happy we got there and we're all smiling and smiling not because Jesse had to wear his underwear swimming today! He's a little old for that now days.... so he says!
One of my favorite parts about last week was conference. I feel like listening to conference is like a big high for me. It allows me to fill my cup full again to last me through the next 6 moths with whatever trials I may go through. I wish it would never end.
We tried to take my folks around Blacksburg and show them Campus and how beautiful it was, the duck ponds, parks, and the area! The kids all had games last Saturday which really wore all of us out as well. It's so fun to watch but it takes all morning!
The hardest part of it all was having to say goodbye. The time went so fast and it was a cold week so the weather didn't allow us to get the whole effect of how nice the outdoors are here!