Monday, November 7, 2011

Soccer days are over for the Fall

We finished up our last weekend of soccer for the four older kids. Whew! That was a lot of work and a lot of fun. The kids loved it! Having Stephen coach Luke's team made it extra special. All the little kids loved to have him for a coach. The most fun and craziest coach you could ever pick. All the kids did good and I think that we may have some super star soccer players in the near future. Gabrielle's comment when I asked her if she wanted to play next season was.... I am more of a jazz girl, or maybe dance! It was a little hard to get all the kids to their games on time when they all played Saturday morning. Especially with one car. Our mini van is in the shop getting fixed from parking in our STEEP driveway and opening the side, sliding door and having the door rip right off. Soccer was a lot of fun for everyone though.

Mother, daughter outing

Lynee and I were able to go on one of our first mother daughter dates. Since she has been taking violin up at the University through the string program, we decided that we would go to the New River Valley Symphony together. It was a very special experience. We met the Anderson girls there and went for a little treat afterwards! This all took place on Saturday, November 5th.